Managing ageing transformer assets that are starting to leak transformer oil? Looking for cost effective solutions to extend the life of the assets? With an industry moving to extend asset life through preventative maintenance, American Polywater’s Transformer leak Repair solution is a game changer. Transformer leaks can have a range of different causes, from poor welding and construction to rust to general wear and tear. They can also occur virtually anywhere on the transformer, from electrical connections to loose bushings. Finding the leak—and determining what caused it—is difficult enough. Figuring out how to patch the leak economically is even harder. Enter Polywater’s Powerpatch Transformer leak Repair solution.
Early identification and rectification of a leaking transformer can save a potential environmental hazard with leaking oils making their way into soils, ground water, streams and stormwater. Even if your transformer is located far inland and away from any obvious waterways, the oil can still contaminate the groundwater. Failing to staunch the leak and clean up the oil, then, can lead to environmental issues and consequences with government agencies.
Quick transformer repair is also important to protect the transformer itself. When there is a hole somewhere in your transformer, you shouldn't just be concerned about what is getting out. On the contrary, you also need to think about what is getting in. A breach provides a place for rainwater or other moisture to get into your transformer and impair its performance. Indeed, water can even lead to the failure of your transformer. Getting a quick transformer oil leak repair, then, is vital to protect your transformer and avoid more costly repairs (or outage time) further on down the road.
Try Transformer Putty from TEN Group
At TEN Group, we have an affordable solution to help you repair the leaks in your transformer. We stock Polywater's Power Patch, a powerful transformer putty and sealant that can stop active leaks. More than just a temporary fix, this duct sealant uses a two-part paste to create a permanent seal in the body of your transformer.
The result is a leak-free transformer—one that doesn't contaminate the groundwater with oil or leave itself vulnerable to water damage. The putty comes in a convenient cartridge applicator so that you can patch up your transformer without removing form service and conducting costly refurbishments. There's no need for any special training, simply follow the step by step instructions for a transformer seal with a high dielectric and tensile surface strength.
Polywater is an American company, but TEN Group is the authorised distributor of their products—including the Power Patch transformer sealant—in Australia. If you are interested in learning more about this powerful transformer repair sealant, contact TEN Group directly today. You can reach us directly by calling us on +61 7 3212 8999 or sending an email to