At TEN Safety never takes a break

8 Nov, 2023

The primary objective of National Safe Work Month is to encourage all individuals and organisations to prioritise safety in their workplaces and work towards reducing the number of work-related injuries, illnesses and fatalities. To support this initiative TEN had a "Spot the Hazards" weekly activity and a SafeTea with YELLOW theme dress-up competition. Congratulations to...

Polywater Clean and Care for Live Line and equipment

8 Nov, 2023

SALISBURY GLOVES & SLEEVES As a reminder to our Insulating Glove and Sleeve customers and users, the best advice to ensure that these items are clean and maintain their insulating properties is to follow the ASTM guidelines ‘In-Service Care of Insulating  Gloves and Sleeves’ and ‘Visual Inspection of Electrical Protective Rubber Products’ (ASTM F496 and...

The Shocking Truth

17 Oct, 2023

INCORRECT TORQUE APPLIED TERMINALS CAUSING FAILURES ON ELECTRICAL NETWORKS In the complex world of electrical networks, even the smallest missteps can lead to major consequences. One often underestimated but crucial aspect is the torque applied to terminals. Failure to get this right can wreak havoc, causing supply interruptions, equipment damage and pose safety risks. Pillar...

5 Years Lost Time Injury Free

13 Oct, 2023

TEN is celebrating 5 years lost time injury free. That is 1826 days, 260 weeks, 60 months, or 5 consecutive years our team has continued to work safely and maintain a safe work environment across Australia without a single lost time injury at TEN! This achievement is not just a statistic; it is a reflection...

Understanding Exposure to Electrical Cleaning Solvent Vapours

4 Sep, 2023

This guide to Understanding Exposure to Electrical Cleaning Solvent Vapors explains how workers are exposed to airborne vapors, how the exposure is determined, and how OELs for cleaning solvents are established. Learn how presaturated wipes limit vapor exposure, what combustion hazards should be considered and how to select the right cleaning solvent for your specific...

TEN Group wins Safety Star Award

4 Sep, 2023

We are excited to share the news that TEN have been chosen as one of the winners of Avetta's 2023 Supplier Award. Avetta works with leading global organisations to advance safe and sustainable business practices and stated: The Energy Network (Australia) Pty Ltd has demonstrated a commitment to developing a safe culture and model for...

TESMEC Generation 4.0 Machines

4 Sep, 2023

Tesmec Generation 4.0 machines with the Digital Human Interface  Digital Human Interface (HMI)  The digital HMI (Human Machine Interface) is a significant innovation on the 4.0 stringing machine. The control panel is drastically simplified. The innovative graphic display shows all the information, including diesel engine parameters, machine performance, and diagnostic output. This digital technology eliminates...

Polywater - Weight Correction Factor in Pulling Tension Calculations

2 Aug, 2023

The weight correction factor  In the pulling tension equations, there is a dimensionless constant called the weight correction factor (sometimes called the occupancy factor). To understand the weight correction factor and what it implies, let’s first look at the equation for tension add-on in a straight conduit section. Straight Conduit Section Equation Tout = Tin + WLwμ...

Cable Hauling - Setting up for Success- Part 2

4 Jul, 2023

As discussed in Part 1, Cable hauling is a crucial part in the overall process of the installation and commissioning of communication, power, and utility cables. To ensure a smooth and efficient cable installation, it is essential to use the right tools and equipment that are fit for purpose. In this edition, we will discuss...


3 Jul, 2023

Planning is an integral part of the success of a business. TEN hosted a three day TENNET Sales Conference at Head Office in Banyo QLD. While it was heads down for 2022/23 preplanning, we also dedicated time to product training. And not to mention, many problems were solved at the event dinner. Thank you to...