TEN Group offers high-quality earthing tools and equipment for safe handling of high-voltage electrical systems. Our range includes bonder devices, discharge sticks and kits, earth matting, clamps, switches, jumpering equipment, stringing grounds, and substation clamps. Ensure safety and compliance with our reliable solutions. Explore our earthing tools today.

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  • Jumper, HV, 15kV, 250A, 3.6m, gloving clamp clear, medium, 4-19mm, ASSY
  • Jumper, LV, 1kV, 172A, 2.0m, orange, 35mm2 Cu, 5-19mm, screwdriver handle, ASSY
  • Temporary earth driver, 16mmOD , 730mm to attachment point, rubber handles, lock screw
  • Temporary earth stake, 16mmOD, 730mm to attachment point, Stainless steel, TEN
  • Clamp, live line, 5-19mm, 19mm hex nut drive, M12 hole, Bervic

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