Asset Management Challenges
1 Jul, 2022
Utility grids face a host of asset management challenges as a result of the environment in which they operate. The question is always how we can mitigate the impact of these environmental conditions or events, be they planned or unplanned.
Themes arise from these issues including Network Resilience, System Hardening and Asset Life Extension. All have a particular narrative and commonality among utilities, and all are intertwined in the operation of a utility system.
TEN continues to lead and innovate this space working with global manufacturers on technologies that allow utilities to integrate these proven systems and solutions into their asset management framework. These products can be broadly considered as:
- System Hardening – Polywater duct sealants, Hubbell wildlife protection, Genics wood preservative and fire barriers
- Network Resilience – Polywater lubricants, La Granja Insulators and Tykoflex OPGW Enclosures
- Asset Life Extension – Leak repair for oil filled and SF6 Equipment, Induron corrosion protection and Clampstar connector correctors
With a truly national supply picture and daily conversation happening at the coal face, we are close to the work practice and asset management challenges facing our industry. It’s not just our Australia wide experience that our customers benefit from, it’s our network of international suppliers that are meeting the needs of a global industry experiencing many of the same challenges we see here in Australia. It is these international connections and networks that have allowed TEN to introduce several key product lines to Australia.
Download the Asset Management Challenges article