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Innovative products for asset life extension

24 May, 2019

In a time of rapid change in our industry, the role of the product supplier is to adapt and develop its business model to align to the changing needs of our electricity authorities and the contractors that work on their networks. The Energy Network (TEN) was born into a changing landscape of the late 90's, more than 20 years on, we once again see an evolution of the industry underway.

The phrase "doing more with less" gets bantered around, and the default position is to think lower cost products spread the budget further. But the old adage is true, "the bitterness of poor quality remains long after low pricing is forgotten". At TEN we focus on delivering quality tools and equipment that provide superior lifetime value through lower ongoing maintenance costs, improved productivity and quality outcomes, and product durability and longevity. With over 20 years' experience in supplying tooling and equipment to this industry, it's our alignment to what is fit for purpose and delivering this lifetime value that keeps our customers coming back to TEN.

With a truly national supply picture and daily conversations happening at the coal face, we are close to the work practice and asset management challenges facing our industry. It's not just our Australia wide experience that our customers benefit from, but our network of international suppliers that are meeting the needs of a global industry experiencing many of the same changes we see here in Australia. It is these international connections and networks that have allowed TEN to bring a number of key new product lines to Australian shores in recent times.


With approximately 5 million timber power poles in service in Australia, managing the life of these assets and controlling capital expenditure is a top priority for any distribution utility. For many years, reliable data from fast, non-destructive hardwood pole testing has been the holy grail for asset managers. TEN is excited to be working with CBS-CBTon their 5th generation Polux non-destructive pole testing technology here in Australia. Polux 5 is a lightweight, handheld testing unit that ascertains the wood density profile with moisture content to evaluate the current state of timber degradation. Backed by many years of data collection and the PICUS software platform for in-field data collection, the asset management benefits and productivity gains are extensive. For a white paper on the Polux 5 technology and its results, contact Lindsay Taylor at


In recent years the Australian power grid has seen a dramatic increase in overhead connector failures as a result of an ageing grid and stretched maintenance programs. Conductors and a well-maintained tower will generally outlast the connectors on the network. And with connectors typically designed to last 40 years, and many critical lines in Australia extending well beyond this age, the ability to apply a solution to the connector challenge can extend the line asset by up to 30 years, maximising its potential service life. TEN is proud to represent Classic Connectors in our region, their ClampStar® product provides an elegant, economical and easily installed solution for restoring the electrical and mechanical integrity of connectors without the need for costly re-stringing or remediation works. With over 1000 units installed in Australia, ClampStar® is well on its way to helping Australian Transmission Authorities extend the life of their networks. For more information contact TEN's Product Engineer, Neil Bartlett at


Ask any power utility if they have challenges with leaking power transformers or SF6 equipment, and you will be sure to get an emphatic YES! Taking these transformers offline and conducting repairs or refurbishments is a costly and timely exercise. PowerPatch by American Polywater allows a fast and permanent repair solution to leaks in transformers fins, bushings, pipe seals, and SF6 gas filled equipment without the need to take equipment offline or introduce potential contaminants. There is an extensive cost saving benefit in asset life extension, so if we take into consideration the costs of critical equipment shutdown and the environmental benefits, and PowerPatch quickly becomes a go to solution for asset managers.

We are focussed on bringing innovations to the Australian market in Asset Life Extension technologies and in continuing to supply quality tooling and equipment that meets the needs of the Australian customer base.


The Energy Network (TEN) is a specialised supplier of quality tooling and equipment for the construction and maintenance of overhead and underground electricity networks. TEN is IS09001, IS014001 and AS4801 certified and the safety of our staff and our customers is at the core of what we do. Our business incorporates a tool and equipment sales division, Hire of Stringing and Cable Hauling Equipment, Manufacture of utility storage solutions and custom assemblies of electrical switches and jumpers. It's the diversity of our product and service capabilities, matched with our technical expertise in fit for purpose tooling and innovative solutions that deliver positive experiences for our customers.

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