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Paul 'Bobbo' Bobbermien

14 Mar, 2019

A great welcome to Paul 'Bobbo' Bobbermien, the latest addition to The TEN Group. Paul has stepped in to the Queensland Sales role and brings extensive experience working with both distribution authorities and contractors across Queensland.

Having travelled extensively around Australia developing liveline programmes and training staff, one of Bobbo's many achievements was the development of a HV live work manual and Liveline training with helicopters in many parts of Australia.

It would be fair to say that Paul never rests on his laurels and also has a keen interest in Outrigging Canoeing, Paddle Boarding and motorbikes.

We are delighted to have Paul as part of our team and we are sure our customers will benefit from his many years of experience and knowledge.

A word from Paul:

"As a new member of a team, I think there is always a learning curve. I am delighted to be at TEN and will continue enjoying working in an industry that served me well, albeit serving it from a different perspective. I am looking forward to meeting some new faces, and catching up with some familiar ones, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a great journey".

Thanks for joining the team Bobbo, in the meantime, if you would like to get a hold of our newest team member, please use the contact details below:

Ph: 07 3212 8999
M: 0499 996 441
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