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Employees of the Year 2018-2019

20 Dec, 2019

Each financial year we recognise outstanding performance across our departments at TEN. Our category winners demonstrate outstanding performance, teamwork, cultural dynamics, and communication excellence in their fields.  Congratulations go to our 1819FY category winners, James Brown (Management), Claudia Fortin (Administration), Helen O’Grady (Field Operations) and Mark Seymour (Sales). This is an awesome achievement and highlights the respect and recognition each have achieved, and is a true reflection of their contribution to TEN’s success and ability to work with full focus on meeting our customers’ needs and expectations. We then go one step further to select one overall winner who has gone above and beyond and demonstrated consistent exemplary performance throughout the year.  Congratulations go to James Brown as our overall winner! James’ endless commitment, drive and persistence makes him an exceptional employee and one we truly value and are all proud of. Well done Jimmy!

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